Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, December 06, 2004  


Posted at 2:53 AM
By: Brian [link]
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OK, I know I've been pretty flaky on the posting recently, but once this week gets underway, I will have plenty of time to update more regularly, for tonight, however, this status update is about all you are going to get. Not that people have been flocking to my site in droves anyway.

Sorry you whiney bastards, I have finals too, ok? While I may not care about getting an A on my final projects, I do care about getting the all-important C on them. And what is the criteria for a C?

Thats right, you have to complete the project. If I'm going to pay $140 grand to these assholes, I'm damn sure I'm going to get a piece of paper out of it -- and I will promptly put it on the fridge with a magnet, right next to my A+ for penmanship. Those were the days.

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