Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, November 15, 2004  

Another Productive Weekend

Posted at 2:00 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Its Sunday Night... or Monday Morning for the exactniks out there, and I can easily declare this to be one of my very special extra-super patented get-nothing-accomplished weekends.

I had two things to do this weekend, and I completed exactly none of them.

Which brings up a good point, there's always something more interesting than what you "have to" do. Remember that 20 page research paper? Yeah... You wrote it from 3am to 10am on the day it was due, why? Was it because you had something more important to do? Of course not, but you DID have something FAR more interesting to do. Perhaps a good movie, or some extra-special video games did the trick. Maybe you're like me and give precedence to making sure that every inch of your skin isn't itching -- and you have to scratch ALL of it, just to be positive (and for the guys, you scratch your nuts twice during this procedure).

I'm good at dreaming up distractions for myself. I can even dream up some new ones for you too!®

1) Create a list of your favorite places to drink - organize them by preference
2) Create a list of your favorite places to unceremoniously throw up all of the valuable alcohol you drank
3) Determine a scientific formula to evaluate your coolness, then refine it until it proves that you are cooler than everyone you hate
4) Write emails to all of the Celebrities that you don't like and tell them why they suck, like that damned Vanilla Ice... I hate you soo much!
5) Download a ridiculous amount of crappy music, (such as The Bluegrass Tribute to Metallica) and then blast it loud enough to piss your roommates/neighbors/swat team/Noriega off pretty royally, then laugh at them! (LOL! FU Lusers!)

Ok, its back to listening to the Funk and rocking out hardcore for me.

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