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Enemy of the Academic |
Road Construction, and Why Nothing Should Ever Inconvenience MePosted at 1:55 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Fall Break: A non-universal collegiate holiday offered to those who matriculate during the Fall semester.
What normally happens during fall break, is that a student, given a week off to forget everything he or she learned in the first half of the semester. Most students, still broke from last year's spring break, and looking toward a repeat of that debauchery, choose to appease their parents and head home for the break.
So, I started on my way home. All went well, I left at 10:30pm, and the roads were clear, except for a couple of Mack trucks that repeatedly tried to kill me, as their bourbon-swilling driver's cut me off repeatedly. Then, of course, there were the cops. Oh, and you can't forget the drunk drivers. Other than that though, the drive itself was fine.
That is, until I got one turn away from getting home. Thats when I scratched my head and wondered, "gee, how am I supposed to get through all of them orange cones and that big burly sheriff's deputy?" You see, the county had decided to block off my street for roadwork at 1am, to ensure that I would drive around like a fucking asian tourist for 20 minutes before finally saying fuck it and busting through their damned cones and following two dump trucks to my house.
All I am saying is, why can't they inconvenience someone else? Like a morning commuter? I mean, I'm trying to get home damnit! I've got laundry to drop off, and food to eat. Also, seeing as how I am of the super-uber-importance, its undeniable that nothing should inconvenience me.
So, yeah, I'm voting for myself for president, because they never block off the road in front of the White House.
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