Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, October 06, 2004  

WTF? Already?

Posted at 1:21 AM
By: Brian [link]
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This week ushers in midterms at at least one northeastern Catholic University. Midterms are a time when everyone can come together and say, "screw it, I probably know this shit, lets go drink some beers." Midterms are the pain in the ass that drag your grades down, and cause the stress to set in at the end of the semester, when it becomes time to struggle for that much-needed C.

Everyone deals with midterms in different ways. Some people like to study for hours, others, like myself, occupy ourselves with more important matters. Like, for example, the American League Division Series, where my Yankees (yeah, I know: send the hate-mail here) are struggling for a victory, against the insidious Minnesota Twins. I happen to love post-season baseball, its that special time of the year, when million-dollar salaried players are finally reminded what they REALLY play for... a bonus for winning the World Series. God BLESS AMERICA! (single teardrop).

Well, now that I've gotten all misty-eyed over the national past-time, I guess I should point out that I only have two midterms to take, and I'll be taking them both tomorrow. Additionally, I opted to watch that game, and now, update this site (for you), instead of studying for them. Its a kamikaze mission to achieve a very important purpose... nap-time. And don't we all need some of that right now.

Next week is "Fall Break," I'll probably update, but expect a skipped day or two. Also, I lied in that I also had a two-page "midterm paper" due yesterday... but I'm sure as hell not gonna count that.

Ditka Hates Mid-Terms

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