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Enemy of the Academic |
Zen and the Art of Rockin' OutPosted at 1:42 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Ok, so you are at school. Maybe you are in a friend's room, maybe you're driving somewhere or partying like its 1999... again. Most of you losers will posture and pretend that you are beyond the practice of "rocking out," as originally made famous by my good friends Bill and Ted.
Rocking out is an art, albeit one that breaks you from the too-cool-for-school scene, but one that, if practiced correctly, you too can learn to appreciate music for its true power. The power of the devil horns... because as Bart Simpson pointed out all those years ago, "all of the best bands are associated with satan."
How do you make devil horns? What do they look like? Well, first, fold your middle and ring finger on either hand completely over. Next, fold over your thumb to overlap those fingers. IMPORTANT: Don't under any circumstance allow your thumb to become unfolded! This would create a symbol of love, which is impossible to fathom while listening to the devils music. If you unleash this you take the chance of the entire room spontaneously combusting in some sort of cool hell-fire.
This is what it should look like:
Now, you should always accompany the devil horns with its sister, the headbang. The headbang should always either be performed at maximum velocity (causing severe whiplash and/or quadriplegia), or in time with the music. You can't look cool throwing the devil horns if you don't move your head.
The steps are simple: Its so simple that even the whitest of the white can join in the fun, while the blackest of the black are not precluded either. Long hair is recommended, however.
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