Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, August 30, 2004  

Wasting Time and Space

Posted at 12:30 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Well, this weekend I find that I can add a number of items to my list of accomplishments. You see, being the eager-beaver that I am, I went ahead and accomplished all of the useful tasks on my to-do list. You see, there is nothing worse than idle hands, they lead to the devil or masturbation... I forget how that saying goes, but either way, its important. Accomplishing something every day is the way to win friends and influence people.

Now, I know what you are thinking: Brian was sucked up into a spaceship and replaced with an evil insidious pod-Brian. Its a good thing I was just fucking with you then, isn't it. This weekend, from thursday night through sunday, I was a glorious waste of life and space. Did I accomplish anything on my to-do list? Well, no, but then again, I don't really have a to-do list, so I guess that is a trick question.

Am I relaxed? Sure, I mean, I haven't done anything to stress over in three and a half days. When I go to the zoo, I don't think I am going to wonder anymore about why the monkeys are so damn entertained by looking at their own shit. After a whole weekend of schedule of nothing, I think I understand where they're coming from. You see, its not the shit itself that's entertaining, its the feeling of accomplishment over having created said shit that causes such adulation.

Get it?

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