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Enemy of the Academic |
Lesson's Learned: Volume 1Posted at 3:04 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post As an intern at a New York advertising agency, I can't claim to have learned much of anything this summer. The fact is, I sit on my ass and scratch my unmentionables for a considerable portion of the day. However, there is one thing that I must admit to being enlightened by.
The one thing that will shine through all other knowledge and that makes sense beyond the boundaries of anything else. Its simple, really: Some things are easier to sell than others.
For example, beer is really easy to sell. The fact is, beer doesn't even need an ad to sell, people like beer, there really isn't much too it. Here is the structure of a beer ad: Man drinks beer, man likes beer... Good things happen... Random boobies... close commercial. I told you it was easy. Other things are a lot harder to sell, like newspapers, for example. Lets try to apply the same formula to a newspaper ad: Man reads paper... man is bored as hell and falls asleep... hobo steals his wallet... Random boobies... close commercial. As you can see, it really doesn't have the same positive oomph, as the beer ad (although those random boobies are still hitting the spot).
Therein lies the problem with the advertising industry. Some things are easy to sell, others, however, are about as hard as getting R. Kelly to use a urinal instead of a minor. I guess that is just the nature of life. Ever since brussel sprouts were first cultivated, man had discovered that some products just don't sell as easily as others.
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