Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, August 04, 2004  

Fuzzy Navels are Not Sexy

Posted at 5:09 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I'm really reaching for this one, like a crack addict who dropped his last rock down a storm drain...

There is absolutely nothing harder than being original, awesome, and "edgy" every day, or even every week. I mean, look at what happens to those who try... Howie Mandel tried to be all of that... look at him now? A shell of the man he once was. When Gilbert Godfrey is more famous than you, you know you've burnt out.

Its especially hard for me though. I've spent my summer not just resting on my laurels... oh no, I've been straining myself trying to come up with ways to advertise for car parts, beer and newspapers. I was only successful at selling the beer. I guess I was just more "in tune" with that product's "core audience."

And so ends the summer's shortest installment of Bite-Sized for Midgets. Click all of my links and make the world happy.

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