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Enemy of the Academic |
I Like My Bed: The Art of Sleeping InPosted at 1:07 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post So, you woke up at 8am... To do what? Go to class (acceptable, but only when no other option (including hitting snooze and saying "fuck it" is available to you)? Did you wake up to exercise? firmly endorses exercise, especially for those fat asses who tend to ugly up the place, but do you really need to hop on the treadmill in the morning? Doubtful, you'll be just as much in need of a stairmaster session in the afternoon as you are in the morning, if not more. Besides, ugly people shouldn't be out in daylight anyway, they could cause traffic accidents or heart attacks in old men. Do you really want to be responsible for that?
Now, there is another way, of course. You could always just sleep in. Till noon, till 5pm, or even until dusk, it doesn't matter so much, as long as you don't hear beeping when you wake up. There is an art to sleeping in, and the skill behind that art is simply not giving a damn.
Today, I woke up at 1pm, and I was happy.
Sleeping has curative properties. Remember that hangover? You wouldn't if you had slept through it. Many aches and pains can be cured by sleeping. Look at all those people in comas, they usually wake up feeling pretty good. If you don't believe me, ask one.
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