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Enemy of the Academic |
I Feel Compelled to Write SomethingPosted at 1:48 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Why shouldn't I write something anyway? I mean, it is MY site and all. While I would love to kick back, relax and let someone else do the work for me, alas, people who do things for you seem to cost money, if they didn't then I'd probably have a butler (because I am a pretentious prick like that). If you happen to be a butler who accepts bananas as payment, them please drop me a line though.
Moving right along in this latest installment of my brain's splatter-turd... I heard that some people, so upset with the loss of John Kerry in the election, are looking for ways to move to Canada. Funny thing is, Canada doesn't want them. In the Vietnam era, when they were looking for idiots to inhabit the northern provinces, they were all about it, but now they are more interested in curbing the number of asshole American's coming across the border. Especially those bastards from New England who just don't talk right.
Besides, what would make you think that you would be happier in a country that is a monarchy? At least in America you have the opportunity to vote for Kerry. In Canada they have the Queen, and she doesn't even live there, and you DO have to swear loyalty to her to become a citizen. Besides, its cold up there, and they're all REALLY pissed off right now due to hockey withdrawal, I wouldn't get involved in that mess.
I don't really have anything else. The first person to make sense of this mess gets a cookie.
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