Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004  

Professors Think You Should Learn? Fools!

Posted at 1:52 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Attendance is a requirement for many of my classes. What does this mean for me? Well, for starters, it means that I have to ignore a lot of requirements. Additionally, however, it requires a slick new form of accounting to ensure that technical failure does not occur.

You see, each class has its own number of acceptable absences. Some more than others, but each is individual. All classes have to bow down to the ultimate power of the excused absence however. The school also has a policy that determines when a technical failure should be in effect.

So, in order to determine whether you can or cannot skip class today, you have to keep an account of the number of excused absences you've already used, and cross-examine that with the degree to which you are willing to haul your ever-expanding collegiate ass over to the health center to get a note and some tylenol -- which is the magical fix-all that the health center uses to rid itself of whiney students who just want to skip class.

I hate my brain.

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