Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, October 19, 2004  

I Haven't Slept

Posted at 1:44 AM
By: Brian [link]
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So, are you a Baseball fan? I am, and I thanks to 14 inning games in the post-season, I haven't been getting any sleep. Sleep, I should remind you, is a necessary biological function. Its also the only time of the day where I can play "Stairway to Heaven" in front of a million adoring fans, while getting a blowjob from a sufficiently hot chick.

However, for some reason I am drawn to watch all six hours of each playoff baseball game. I want to see "my team" win. And when they do win, I will probably celebrate more than any man on that team. More than any of them, the ones who are actually going to get a pay raise and some nice World Series bling to wear around town for a year.

So, why do I care so much? I dunno, but I guess its gotta be better than going to class, right?

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