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Enemy of the Academic |
How to Not Give a Shit: Part 3Posted at 1:49 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post I'm actually a little disappointed in myself here, but none-the-less, I feel that it is important to purvey this information. Today's installment of "How to Not Give a Shit," is an important one: it's about quitting your job.
So, you have an on-campus job? The only thing worse than paying tuition to a college, is having to work for one. Don't believe me? Ask any of the professors who I've tormented. None-the-less, for a ton of college students, there is a need for an extra buck, and the convenience of working on campus is too tempting to avoid.
Once you have a job on campus, you'll realize that your fellow classmates, and faculty members are some of the most horrible people you have ever dealt with. Your boss will treat you like someone who is being paid a decent wage for the work. Hell, you may even realize that you have better things to do.
It was a cold November afternoon when I realized that $6.90 was not worth the trouble.
The job sucks. The customers suck. Your coworkers... well, they read your blog, so you can't bad-mouth them.
This is a University. Its academic. Even the departments that aren't academic in nature -- Computer Support (even dining services) for example -- tend to value academics. I'm not referring to matter's of GPA, but to the grade-grubbing, nerd-fergusons who tend to revolve their lives around their latest to-the-minute schedule of how they intend to get all of their homework done. There's no room left for the people who (I hope) read this site.
Anyway, I'm disappointed in the lack of theatrics in my departure. It was pretty standard and boring. I told my boss that I was giving him two-weeks notice. Ideally, when you quit your campus job, you want to do it with some more fireworks. Perhaps by shoving your boss's head into the dining hall's finest mashed potatoes, or maybe by smashing a desk chair through a window, then jumping out -- yelling "peace out fools!" as you fall. Since I still have two weeks left, I've got a few options left -- i'll probably just steal a ridiculous amount of office supplies... they won't notice the Xerox machine missing, will they?
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