Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, January 01, 2004  

My New Year's Resolution

Posted at 2:27 AM
By: Brian [link]
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What Follows is a pre-prepared update, by no means did I attempt to write an update on New Years Eve

There is this crazy tradition that we all attempt to follow, called a "New Year's Resolution," the purpose is essentially to pretend that you are going to do something for a night, then do the exact opposite for about a year, before making the same pretend promise exactly one year later.

Some of us choose to quit smoking, lose weight, or even to "quit being a crack-whore," but mine is just going to be very simple. You see, since nobody actually expects you to fulfill your New Year's Resolution, I have opted to choose one that is sure to earn me kudos, without actually requiring me to put forth any effort.

That is why for this New Years, I resolve to use this very website to bring the world's attention to the very real problem of Gynecomastia; in layman's terms, "bitch tits," or even "Man-Boobs," if you prefer. It is a growing problem among today's obese, beer and meat loving American men, and through this site, I hope to stamp it out.

You see, isn't just about shits and giggles, it is about giving back, and making bullshit resolutions that you never intend to keep. Although, perhaps I will make fun of guys with bitch tits from time to time, that's gotta count for something. Right?

I was going to hell anyway.

--- is going on hiatus for about a week. I will return with new content on the 9th. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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