Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, December 29, 2003  

I Poached My Huevos

Posted at 2:33 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I spent four months re-aquainting myself with the idiosyncrasies of the dorm showers. That one-hour window for a warm shower that occurred between 3pm and 4pm, then magically disappeared like some sort of romantic superhero of old. Thats what I have been telling myself anyway. The fact that you have to make three full rotations of the handle before any water other than "ice cold" will come out of the shower head, and you can't forget the flooding -- all aspects of the dorm shower that I have gotten used to.

But now I am at home, and it seems that I am no longer used to the shower here. I almost got a third degree burn on my balls this afternoon, when I turned the knob a tad closer to "H" and realized that, unlike the dorm shower, where the "H" itself is still cold water, at home there are no deceitful letters -- and "H" means hot.

The worst part of the ball-scalding incident was stepping out of the shower, because as the un-shower-heated air hits you, its like stepping into a freezer -- like a cold front suddenly came in -- and my balls, still recovering from a horrible fate of near-boilage, were now freezing cold, wet, and confused. How should they react? Expand, contract, just chill? They weren't sure, how could they be?

Tomorrow, I plan on wearing an oven mitt to the shower, to prevent a repeat of this incident.

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