Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, December 05, 2003  

The Run Down

Posted at 12:26 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I gots been listening ta muh ma fuckin roommate's gangsta rap all day long now. Now, I gots nahh problem wiff rap rap, but when ya iz whiter than Michael Jackson, then ya really should stick ta somethin' uh little less ethnic, don' ya th'o't? brace yourself foo'!

Ok, now that I've got that off my chest, I can honestly say that today, in the midst of one of the largest work-burdens in my entire academic career, I managed to slack off like I've never slacked off before. I did no academic work today. This morning I went to class, then decided that I didn't want to be there, so I walked out with plenty of time remaining, and got some breakfast. It was a small class, the kind where the professor can easily see you walking out on him, I prefer boning out on that sort of class, because then the professor knows that you think he is a waste of life. Anyway, I had a "rough draft" due for a "workshopping session" -- bullshit, I wrote one page, in fact, I considered just skipping the class altogether, but I thought making a cameo on a workshop day would be called for (considering that I skipped all of the other ones), at least now I know what goes on during one of those; all of the conscientious students read each other's papers and try to get good grades, the rest of us nap and the professor ignores everyone. Why wouldn't you leave early?

Then I took the afternoon off and watched a Cops marathon and listened to my roommate's 50 Cent and Jay-Z collection, because I feel that being in touch with ghetto culture is important to the diversity of this fine nation, also, I had no choice -- my roommate finally figured out a)what I did with the remote control and b)what I did to his speakers.

I actually went to my night class because we were having a quiz, which happened to be based on a book that I didn't read. I managed to get at least four out of five questions right though. How, you might be asking? Well, we had the questions ahead of time, and I had the Internet, a printer, and a place to conceal things.


Send in a college drinking story this weekend, or I will be forced to make one up. Send those in to Brian[at]

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