Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, December 01, 2003  

The Sound of Shit Hitting a Fan

Posted at 12:40 AM
By: Brian [link]
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There was no email of substance today, but fear not, because today I have the latest film from Bradd. I call this one "RISK"ing It... and it shows what can happen when you play RISK on a Saturday night in a dorm full of bored and drunk students.


This is about that time in the semester (the end of it) when a life really becomes hell. If you have ANY incomplete research papers, presentations, you're going to have to do them soon. Right now is the worst time for stress too, because right about now you still intend to do a good job on those papers -- that silly belief of yours won't last, mostly because the procrastinator's spirit will invade your body just like those dog thingies in Ghostbusters.

Once you have finally crumbled under the pressure and resigned yourself to inserting 8 pages of filler into your 10 page paper -- or rambled on incoherently for your presentation, you will realize that no, it isn't over yet. That's right, the exams. You almost forgot about them, but no, finals are quite unavoidable. Unlike that 8:30 lecture that you never went to, the finals are possibly your only chance to pass - especially after the shitty job you did on your research paper.

So the stress is on, and what are you going to do? Hard work? Study? Bullshit! That is not an option, and don't try to pretend it is - you know you don't want to do that, so you won't. Or you'll do a half-assed job; and that is okay with me.

Doesn't it feel better to know that I approve of your slacking off?

"Drunken December" can't happen without your help. Email Brian[at] with your best or perhaps favorite or preferably funniest college drinking stories, and I'll post them right here - and probably comment on them too.

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