Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, November 17, 2003  

Hello Comrade...

Posted at 11:32 PM
By: Brian [link]
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There were communists on campus today. Real, old-fashioned "I heart Stalingrad" t-shirt wearing communists. Seeing a communist nowadays is like seeing the aurora borealis on Staten Island - it COULD happen, but you're never expecting it. Since the cold war ended, communism just hasn't been as "edgy" as it used to be.

I also managed to lock myself out of my room today. Its becoming a pretty big habit. Residence life is thinking about getting me my own personal RA to unlock my door for me every day. For some reason I am really good at forgetting to grab my keys before leaving my room in the morning, and my roommate is really anal about locking the door. You would think this guy is running an illegal processing center for african rhino horns out of the room.

And due to the uneventfulness of the day, combined with my own laziness and uncreativity, I'm going to post an AIM conversation to fill out this update.

New conversation started at 11/17/03 6:33:17 PM.
CoachisCool (6:33:16 PM): u still interested at all in doing any modeling/acting etc? if not, no prob
[Brian]: ??
CoachisCool (6:33:47 PM): maybe wrong dude sorry bout that
CoachisCool (6:33:51 PM): we never talked be4?
CoachisCool (6:34:06 PM): it's michael from cavalier management group; somehow i thought i knew your sn or profile? if not, my bad
[Brian]:: i don't remember talking to you. ever.
CoachisCool (6:34:34 PM): oh k tru...ur not a model/actor or anything like that?
[Brian]: nope
CoachisCool (6:35:34 PM): k cool no prob sorry bout that
CoachisCool (6:35:42 PM): :-\
[Brian]: yup
CoachisCool (6:37:12 PM): i don't know how i had your name in my budlist
CoachisCool (6:37:23 PM): my work address is: seem familiar?
CoachisCool (6:38:55 PM): are you tall? short? no offense
CoachisCool (6:39:57 PM): hmm...weight? hair/eye color?
[Brian]: have you ever considered the priesthood?
CoachisCool (6:42:14 PM): hah no thanks
[Brian]: ok then.
[Brian]: your questions are freaking me out, to be honest
CoachisCool (6:42:59 PM): anyway sorry to have bothered you, obviously i had the wrong person
[Brian]: obviously
CoachisCool (6:43:08 PM): it's normal in my business, no big deal, sorry to bother you man
[Brian]: riiiight
CoachisCool (6:43:40 PM): bye
Conversation ended at 11/17/03 6:43:48 PM.

Have your email answered on monday morning! Send emails to Brian[at]

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