Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, November 14, 2003  


Posted at 2:11 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I have to wake up at 8:30 on a friday morning (this morning for the slow ones) to go do some horrible, horrible psychological experiment. I will be subjected to God knows what horrible abuses of the human mind and body -- and I'm not even going to get a buzz off of it.

Am I doing it for the money? I wish. No, sadly I am not subjecting myself to this punishment because I have fallen on hard times -- that would be a better excuse -- I'm actually participating in this research because it gets me out of three papers. Thats right, folks, I am getting out of three papers in my General Psych Class - thats all of them - and all I need to do is take a couple electric shocks for the team.

Who would mind that? I mean, sure, its annoying to take part in, but its easier and quicker than doing research and writing 3 papers, right?

I just hope they don't put the electrodes on my "huevos".

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