Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, November 19, 2003  

I Love Hot Pockets

Posted at 3:03 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I hate laundry day with a passion. Putting clothes in a machine, moving them to a different machine, that I can handle. Hell, usually I won't even complain about adding detergent. The folding is the real problem - it takes too long, its the kind of thing that you should be able to pay an illegal immigrant under the table to do for you.

My friend Lennon took a road trip to New Jersey for the express purpose of obtaining cheap grain alcohol. He came back empty handed and resolved to get a keg instead. He is drowning his sorrows of missing out on alcohol with alcohol, in the real world, he would be labeled an alcoholic, but this is college, so instead, he's a lightweight.

At work today we got a call from the President of the university, a priest, complaining that he was getting porn in his email. A Priest getting porn delivered -- ten years ago, that would be a shocking statement, nowadays, we are all just wondering, "so, was it chicks with dicks, or girls gone wild?"

Yesterday's post asked for emails with your favorite college moments. An email that I got today - suggested changing that to your first college drinking experience. In other words, send your best college drinking stories to Brian[at] and if I get a few more of them, i'll post them as part of a special "drunken december" edition of the monday email feature.

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