Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, December 19, 2003  

Finals Finally Finished

Posted at 4:23 AM
By: Brian [link]
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When you have to put a Band-Aid on your ass after finals, you know you are studying like me. By studying I mean drinking and playing video games, and my finals, I mean sleeping too late and missing half the test.

But I digress.

You see, the more important issue here, is that I have about 3 weeks, or maybe its a month - depending on how many of those classes I skip the first week back - to relax, class free. Its the holidays, and the holidays are a very special time of year. They are that time when we all kick back and keep the important things in mind. For example, the holidays always remind me that a heavy dose of rum in my egg nog will seriously take the edge off all of the family-time.

The biggest problem with the holidays is that I need to buy people gifts. That's just not in my nature. And that isn't just because I am Jewish*, since I was raised Catholic... It's that whole altruism thing, its just not me - the only part of the Christmas gifting culture I like is the recieving. Call me greedy, but I have a very good reason for it - I like getting things.

Although even getting gifts can be annoying, especially when you have to open them in from of family members. By family members, I mean grandmothers and 70-year-old aunts. You know what thats like, they get you some crazy sweater or something and then say, "Hold it up, let us see it..." You gave it to me, you don't need to see it, you already saw it. Also, in order to hold it up, you have to remove it from the box, because a boxed-view is unacceptable. Removing an item of clothing from its box is the worst thing you can ask - it is impossible to refold it back into the box -- especially for men, we just don't have the folding gene or something.

I cut this one short. I'll update again tomorrow Monday. Updates will be irregular until New Years, then I am off for a week until January 10th for a little vacation, which I promise to write about.

*In case you didn't get it, I'm not Jewish

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