Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, September 26, 2003  

Lennon's Weekend Adventures

Posted at 1:44 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Its cheap, but I'm tired and I wasted all of my creativity for the night, so I am going to resort to a classic Lennon moment to fill the friday gap:

[Lennon]: I was hanging out with these two guys from the rugby team
[Lennon]: and this fat chick just latched on to one of them
[Lennon]: you know how they do that
[Brian]: uhuh
[Lennon]: well anyway we were trying to split off from her
[Brian]: damn fat chicks
[Lennon]: so I ask some random dude what time it was
[Lennon]: he said 12:48
[Lennon]: and I just yell out SHIT everyone has to be at the rugby party by 1:00 sharp or they'll make us pound warm beer
[Lennon]: then I tell the other two guys to run cause the party was kinda far away
[Brian]: not bad
[Lennon]: hoping that the fat chick wouldn't be able to follow
[Brian]: but?
[Lennon]: but she grabs onto the guy's shirt
[Lennon]: stupid bitch
[Brian]: oh
[Brian]: she must be used to that move
[Lennon]: so I'm like, we gotta split up I'll meet you at the party
[Lennon]: lol
[Lennon]: so I split off to the left and start running
[Lennon]: and of course there was a campus police checkpoint about 50 feet away
[Brian]: oh?
[Lennon]: and of course there was a guardrail about 15 feet in front of me
[Lennon]: and of course I didn't see it
[Brian]: that blows
[Lennon]: I just go BANG and trip over it
[Brian]: been there
[Lennon]: but for the split second I was in the air
[Lennon]: I thought ..... shit I gotta make it look like I did that on purpose so they don' think I'm hammered
[Lennon]: I did two summersaults rolling down the hill
[Lennon]: after the second one
[Lennon]: I land seamlessly on my feet and start running away down to the party
[Brian]: nice
[Brian]: were you drinking prior to that?
[Lennon]: it's friday night what the fuck do you think
[Lennon]: I go to the party at 8:30 and they were pissed at me cause I took too long to get there
[Brian]: it might have been early in the night
[Lennon]: no, I was fucking plastered when this all happened

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