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Enemy of the Academic |
Its Like Caligula Out There...Posted at 12:55 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post I think I'm coming down with the pneumonia. If I am then wow, what a way to get sick. It was probably even a better deal than getting Hepatitis C from Pamela Anderson...
Chapter 1(and only) - The Hurricane:
We knew it was coming, and the plans started flying faster than a newspaper in the mighty storm's clutches. What can be accomplished during the hurricane? Football? Of course. A party? No shit. Co-Ed mud-wrestling on South campus? You're damn right. They all happened. (I actually missed the football, thanks to a night class)
So let me start at the top...
The good stuff started after my class was over. I walked back to South Campus to find at least one tree fallen already. After jumping over it, I got back to my dorm. The guys got back from hurricane football shortly after, and the brainstorming began. We had to do something pointless.
We started by moving logs into a random formation around what is affectionately known as "the rape trail." Effectively blocking people's paths and otherwise wreaking havoc, and then, on our way back, we saw it... the holy grail of hurricane fun... the mud pit.
The main freshman dorm on campus, Stanford was emptying in droves, the girls running, toward the action. They were excited. We were excited. It was a party, it was ridiculous. It was awesome.
"Hey baby, are you wet?"
You couldn't answer no to that question, thats for sure. Everyone was in the mud. A scene reminiscent of Woodstock, except so much more exciting. Everyone was covered with a thick layer of it. The girls were friendly, but of course, Rollie managed to unknowingly cock-block me tonight, not that I am surprised -- I'm sure I'll see them again though... maybe...
Regardless, it shouldn't be hard to imagine what being in the middle of that was like. And, trust me, it was no sausage-fest... not by far.
"Ladies, Anyone Up for Some Mud-Wrestling?"
This was, of course, the only time that that line could ever possibly work. And it did. The harder it rained, the crazier shit got. The general assumption being that classes would be cancelled tomorrow (today, whichever). Of course, as I write this, that is not the case, but I doubt anyone is going to class anyway. Its a Natty-light-sponsored day off...
Eventually, we all called it a night, at-least mud-wise... We showered off, and now, I am writing this update so that I can tell you all about the awesomeness. Sure, it may not be the funniest story ever told on this site, but its one of those moments where you realize why you aren't at home. Oh, and as soon as I can round them up... I'm gonna have pictures... oh yeah...
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