Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, September 05, 2003  

Wow, You're REALLY Freakin' Boring!

Posted at 1:34 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I had history again today. That professor is so damned boring. I got 8 hours of sleep last night, and a long nap in the afternoon, and yet I still found myself nodding off in class. Even coffee couldn't save me, although the paper cup was slightly more interesting than his lecture.

What makes it worse is that I find myself entirely unable to do the readings for his class. The books are at least as good at Nyquil at putting me to sleep.

The real shame, however, is that this is supposed to be a class about Revolutionary Wars, an interesting subject with any other professor. Dr. Ricci manages to turn it into something that even the producers of Masterpiece Theatre wouldn't have touched with a ten foot pole.

Other than that, I managed to avoid participating in my English class, as well as watching a football game and working. Yeah.

I need beer.

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