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Enemy of the Academic |
How to Turn a Bad Impression Into an Awful OnePosted at 1:23 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Sure, we've all done it, been late on the first day of class, called the Professor the wrong name, or otherwise made an ass of yourself right at the start of things. Sometimes you can recover from a bad first impression, usually though, you are just fucked; you will forever be placed on the bottom of the Prof's list. So why not just make it worse?
Screw up with your English Professor? Tell them that your favorite books are "Where's Waldo" and "Pat the Bunny," that'll earn you some extra asshole points*. Use the discussions to relate EVERYTHING to Harry Potter, or perhaps Danielle Steele - just make sure that it has absolutely no literary value, whatsoever. Also, by all means, refuse to read the texts, something you might do anyway, but be blatant about it. Also, write all of your papers in either ebonics or AIM shorthand. "Joe sed lolrolfmao wtf? I dunno."
Lets pretend for a moment that the initially offended professor taught Biology. Many Biology professors have a "pet" species, one with a special place in their hearts, perhaps their research centers around this. Find out what that species is, and somehow offend it. Do they love whales? Wear yourself a "Pave the Whales" T-shirt.
I could go through a list of all of the potential ways to further piss off your pre-pissed profs, but I think you get the idea.
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