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Enemy of the Academic |
Measuring Your Penis with BeerPosted at 12:54 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post What defines a "chick drink"? Can you neccessarily assume that anything drunk by a female is one of these most despised of intoxicators (for guys, anyway)? Beer is usually considered "manly" but some girls like the beer -- at least in College, it is the most plentiful of the alcoholic beverages.
Of course there are a number of systems of determining the gender of your alcohol. Some are simple, others complex. Here, I will try to provide some ground rules:
1) If its fruity, its a chick drink Now of course, some people have been known to take this division to ridiculous lengths. Proclaiming certain brands of beer to be girlier than others. After a long debate with a friend over the gender of Rolling Rock, we resolved the problem with the following guideline, that can be applied universally:
[Lennon]: a kid from my hall settled the arguement In other words, if you want to get shitfaced, then grab whatever you can afford, and get shit faced. --- Grr, if you read this earlier, I fucked up number 2 - its now fixed. If you haven't seen this yet, then pretend you aren't reading these two sentences.
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