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Tuesday, August 12, 2003  

"remember seinfeld was a show about nothing"

Posted at 7:16 AM
By: Brian [link]
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[Lennon]: so whats the blog entry for the day?
[Brian]: i don't know
[Lennon]: well keep at it
[Lennon]: remember seinfeld was a show about nothing

Be proud Lennon, I chose your idea: this is a post about nothing, so please stop me if I get on topic. You know how bad being on topic would be... About as horrible as that Goatse guy. Even so, Lennon seems to be a big fan of Mr. Goatse, so maybe that wouldn't be so bad.

It was, however, bad when I slept through Letterman last night, I guess I was tired. Which reminds me, my car is going to need to be re-tire-ed soon. The Firestone death tires are probably pretty cheap. Oh shit, that was two sentences in a row on the same topic, I better stop that, I don't want to disappoint Lennon...

Talking about disappointments, how about that Gigli?

I have no idea what to say next, this "writing about nothing" thing is much harder than it seemed. Mirages are also different from how they seem, you know, like you think its water, but oh no, its sand! The Mirage casino is exactly how it seems.

Mirages form in the desert, and deserts remind me of summer, which is almost over. In the words of Deep Blue Something, "So what now? It's plain to see we're over / I hate when things are over / When so much is left undone." Its usually a horrible injustice to be a one hit wonder, but sometimes justice would be better served that way -- Lisa Loeb should never have had that second hit, it definitely went to her head.

I saw the "Blue Man Group" on Leno last week, why do people encourage them? I felt like Noreaga when they were trying to get him out of Panama. Which was a great song, "Panama," by Van Halen, that is.

All right thats enough for now.


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