Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, July 23, 2003  

I Should be on TV, Damnit...

Posted at 6:47 PM
By: Brian [link]
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I like to feel my chest sometimes... you know, checkin' out my "pecks." They aren't muscular or anything, but they are something, and its not a man-boob. Thats really all a man needs to have a positive "body image."

Too many people stress about their weight nowadays, its a shame. This country wasn't made great by diet and exercise, it was made great by talented statesmen and entrepreneurs like Benjamin Franklin -- and you can't say he wasn't large and in-charge.

Which reminds me, what ever happened to that guy who played "Charles in Charge"? You know who I'm talking about... Chachi... Thats the problem with playing a nanny or a man-servant of sorts on TV, sure the show might be a success, but you pretty much disappear afterwards.

Writing this reminds me that I need to get out more. July is quickly eclipsing on me and I am pretty sure my accomplishments for the summer are still happily sitting at zero. Then again, I don't know too many people who have accomplished anything this summer, so I guess I am par for the course.

They killed Uday and Qusay Hussain this week... thats pretty cool. There were two other people with them, and they got into a shoot-out with US Troops. In fact it took around 200 US troops and a couple Kiowa helicopters to kill the four Iraqis. I find it scary that it took that much manpower to kill four Iraqis in a house when any respectable NYC street gang could have taken them out with five men and a low-rider...

Also, a Polar Bear at a zoo in Agentina turned purple after being given medication to treat a skin condition. The bear took quickly to the new style, and reportedly now spends its days listening to the Sex Pistols and taking crystal meth.


Finally, I got an email from some guy who goes to the University of Wyoming, or at least his email address indicated that he might. Anyway, he has a weblog of his own, called "Huge Anal Warts", which I told him I would link to. I checked it out, its good - so click the link here. Also, it is now going to be perma-linked on the left-hand side of the page (the part you all usually ignore..).

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