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Enemy of the Academic |
Posted at 11:00 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Smoking- The simple fact is, I love smoking; every inhale is like a mini-orgasm in your lungs.
- I took up smoking during midterms this past semester, they helped with the stress and the late-night study sessions. The buzz wasn't bad either (Before you "Lites" or "Ultralights" queers dissagree, try smoking Marlboro Reds...). Smoking is a social activity in College, regardless of what you are smoking; people congregate to partake in the wonders of burning plant life.
- As social as it may be, however smoking still has its downpoints. One of which is that it is becoming quite the small clique. Others are the smelly breath/hands, the emphasema, lack of ability to respirate... Oh, and the cancer. you can't forget the cancer.
- I intended to quit smoking after polishing off my last Pennsylvania-bought pack, which I have had since the night before my chem exam. However, I fear that I might be setting a bad example for others, seeing as how my awesomeness could cause others to follow my actions.
- While I am deflating my ego from the previous bullet point... I am thereby quitting the tobacco cold turkey, right now. It won't be too hard, I am already down to less than one cig per day. (See above for how long I have had this pack).
- I might indulge in a cigar under the following circumstances:
1) I am drinking a beer Thats it for this public service announcement/update.
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