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Posted at 5:33 AM
Brian [link] Email This Post
Breaking News?:
From Fark.com
Here is all I know, may be nothing....
06-01-03 04:58:22 AM
Guess what? My dad just woke me up. Air raid sirens are going off in my coastal city in Georgia. Anyone else getting this on the east coast?
06-01-03 05:03:04 AM
Air-Raid sirens? Damn... thats not good
No air raid sirens on the jersey shore - i doubt we even have any...
06-01-03 05:05:33 AM
He told me he heard what sounded like a really loud jet flying overhead, and now there are sirens going off. I can hear it... far in the distance, but it's definitely one of those air raid/tornado sirens. And the skies are clear.
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