Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, September 02, 2003  

The Much Beloved Weekend Update

Posted at 1:05 AM
By: Brian [link]
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As always, on a Sunday or Monday night I like to post a rundown of the weekend’s happenings. Usually these updates are horribly, horribly boring and result in people telling me how lame my life is, and advising me to drink more, or perhaps leave my room. However, there have been occasions where the chronological lists that these are comprised of have provided a good story, or at least an inside joke or two for my friends.

So here it is, August’s first and final Weekend Update:
1) As with all weekends, this one started off with a whimper on Friday, when I woke up to go to my one and only, much hated, Friday class.
2) The class was followed immediately by work, from noon to five, after which I went to dinner.
3) Dinner was followed by packing, we were going to Nick's house, in NJ.
4) The rest of Friday was spent playing video games, mostly, anyway. Before you all comment or email me, yes, I realize that I could have done that at school, but, well, fuck you... stop judging me.
5) Anyway, we were very kindly provided with some excellent Yeungling.
6) Eventually we went to bed.
7) On Saturday Nick's friend (female) came over.
8) We decided not to go to the shore, I forget why, probably because there was going to be too much traffic or something like that.
9) We all went in the pool.
10) Then we dried off and played video games, while making off-color remarks to Nick's friend. Nick used this as an opportunity to try and work his "magic" on her. I used it as an opportunity to ask her to bake me a pie.
11) Rollie then encouraged us to all go outside and play touch football, the chick sat in her car and missed me proving my unathletic-ness.
12) Afterwards we played more video games, until it was again time to drink beer, we also ate somewhere in this step.
13) Next came movie time. We started to watch the Count of Monte Cristo, which is a great movie.
14) This was of course lost on Nick's lady friend.
15) Nick pretended to be asleep, but thanks to the beer, he actually fell asleep.
16) The movie abruptly ended when Nick awoke to find me, with the girl all over me.
16a) I love beer
16b) Apparently this was a Faux Pas

17) yada yada yada (nothing too interesting, trust me.)
18) Woke up around noon and played more video games.
19) Went back to school.

The rest of the weekend consisted of "thats what she said" jokes, touch-football games, and lots and lots of PlayStation football. Leave me some comments, and give me some ideas as to how I could make my next weekend update better.

Also, I hope to be involved in some excellent tomfoolery, which, will of course be documented, and posted here.

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