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Monday, September 08, 2003  

Just Call me Norm MacDonald...

Posted at 2:16 AM
By: Brian [link]
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... because I'm about to do the Weekend Update. Or, if you prefer, call me whoever it is that does that sketch on SNL nowadays, uh, actually, please don't call me Tina Fey, almost anything else will do. Except lame motherfucker, although, I guess I am used to that one. So here it is, the Internet's favorite itemized list:

1) On Friday, I went to my one class; I tried sooo hard to avoid it too, but there was no way out.
2) After class, I worked until 5, narrowly avoiding the ill fate of having to do a 5 hour shift answering phone calls from irate professors.
3) I headed home after five, I had a few things that needed to be taken care of this weekend: Laundry being one of them, plus I also had a few more things to drag back from home.
At this point, you can be assured that this update will be mostly filler

4) After getting home, I watched a shitty movie on cable, then went online for a while, afterwards, I went to sleep.
5) On Saturday morning I woke up and thought, "what the fuck... its morning, why the hell am I awake?"
6) I went back to sleep for a while.
7) I went online for a while, then got bored and watched TV.
8) Eventually I ended up playing Tetris -- that game is still fucking awesome.
9) I went out for dinner with my family.
a) We went to a restaurant that we had been going to for a while
b) The owner told me he would let me drink there, that was pretty cool.

10) After dinner there was some more online time.
11) Eventually I ended up drinking beer with my sister and some West Point Prep School cadets from Fort Monmouth.
12) One of them had an Afghanistan flashback and disappeared at 4 am. He didn't have the keys to his car, but he apparently moves quite swiftly on his feet because nobody could find him. I think he's still missing.
13) I woke up on Sunday afternoon and thought, "wow, its afternoon... thats more like it." Then I went back to sleep.
14) I woke up again to read a message from Lennon, or at least his screen name, informing me that, "you are a pussy."
15) After dinner, I packed my shit up and came back to school, just in time to watch the Raiders lose to Tennessee.
16) I also moved some furniture to make room for my computer.
17) Then, instead of being smart and doing my homework, I decided to update my weblog. Which, including a few interruptions, took me a solid half-hour.

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