Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, September 23, 2003  

What Am I? A Machine?

Posted at 2:43 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I hereby declare this to be my day off. Why? You ask? Because I am tired, I still have a ton of reading to do tonight, and I really don't feel like asking you all to read some senseless, un-funny, Bob Saget-esque material that in any other circumstance would have been pulled out of my ass for the sake of having posted something.

Then of course, there is the shitstorm when I do that. "God this site sucks" being common, or perhaps Lennon's lament that I stopped doing quite so many inside jokes and jabs at people that he knows, "oh man, you're site is really losing its flair man... you need some Berto quotes or something." Thanks, Carrot Top....

In other words, I am essentially writing an update about why I am not updating, which at the current point, is sounding more and more oxymoronic (with the emphasis on moronic).

Anyway, expect a few of these days off every semester. Especially during finals.

Oh, and I was rejected by today. Alright!

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