Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, July 18, 2005  

The Grind

Posted at 12:45 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I spent the weekend in bed.

Sadly though, there wasn't anyone else in my bed to keep me from sleeping the whole time. I probably needed it, alcohol poisoning and long work hours can take a lot out of you. So I've been told. Then again, Mickey Mantle had pretty good hustle for a man with the same amount of functioning liver cells as Terri Schiavo's brain cells.

So anyway, tomorrow I get up early yet again to go to New York and work -- the highlight of my day will probably be the high potential of eating a 12" chicken teriyaki sub for lunch. Deliciousness knows no bounds. Even better than deliciousness though, is the prospect of fighting off hobos wielding a small army of squirrels, who see and want my chicken teriyaki. Bastards won't take no for an answer -- which is strange, because they're more than willing to use no as their own answer, especially when the question is, "would you like to take a shower?"

So, yeah, my day should be spectacular tomorrow.

As always, please click on some of my links before you get out of here.

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