Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005  

I Still Hate Working

Posted at 1:45 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Summer employment is the worst sort of employment. For those of you in my situation please feel free to agree with me.

Companies worry about employee morale. They can't abuse their full-time workers, if they do, they get a high turn-over rate, and then everyone thinks they're pricks. Well, they probably are anyway. Even year-round part-timers are of concern to most corporations, as far as job-satisfaction goes. Summer employees are the whipping-boys (for you feminists -- whipping-people... god that made me feel dirty), of the corporate workplace.

While the morale of employees whom you intend to keep around is surely important, if someone is just here for the summer...

Someone has to do it, right? Of course you don't get paid more than anyone else, actually, you get paid less, but at least you get the satisfaction of a job well-done, right?

When was the last time you were really satisfied by serving up a hot dog cooked in piss-water to an 800 pound beached whale who chased it with a pound of cotton candy? If you have an answer to that question then you're in luck because there are definitely websites for people like you. "Job Satisfaction" doesn't apply to those among us who are employed between Memorial Day and Labor Day -- we're just here to do the shit that even the mexicans won't do for twelve cents.

As always, please click on some of my links before you get out of here.

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