Enemy of the Academic
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Thursday, March 03, 2005  

The Holy Grail

Posted at 9:12 PM
By: Brian [link]
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I really don't even know where to begin this post. Not that that has EVER stopped me from churning out a page-full of beautiful crap (check out the oxymoron) before.

In fact, this whole site started out as a crap-pile of my pointless yammering. Well, actually it hasn't really changed very much. Although, I guess the pictures are kind of funny nowadays... good thing I don't steal those from other sites or anything [props to].

So, how does a weblog like this transform itself from a couple of short, lame, and entirely un-sweet posts of random complaints into the Internet's #1 spot for awesomeness (and disappointed porn seekers -- sorry)?

Well, it took a lot of work, but one day, I was was pissed off, and my roommate -- god bless his soul -- left a fridge-full of beer. Well, it didn't take too long for me to figure out what to do. I immediately fell to my knees and prayed to the God of angry drunks -- thats right, Tony Danza -- and then, he blessed me with the gift of gab. Well, it was some sort of gift anyway. It sucked, so I took it back and bought "" instead.

And thats the story (not really) of how this website became the best thing in your life.

I only wish I still had a roommate who bought me beer... Even shit beer tastes oh-so-sweet when its free.
If you hated this post, then make the site better by submitting a question for brian to answer in his attempt at an advice column. This will also prevent him from having to admit that nobody actually reads his site. Send those questions over to: Brian[at]

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