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Brian Answers All (Again)Posted at 9:16 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post This week, we have an AIM-based contributor who asks, "Hey Brian, how can I get girls?" A very good question indeed. And here's my answer: Dude, Lets start with the not-so-subtle approach: This school of thought believes that the only way to obtain a woman's affections is through grand gestures. One example of such a gesture would be to scream, "I LIKE YOU! LETS GET OVERPRICED COFFEE AND PASTRIES TOGETHER!" into her ear at close range, she may go deaf, but only in one ear, and she certainly can't pretend she didn't hear you. Other options you might want to consider are writing, "be my valentine" on your penis and smacking her with it (this won't work if you have a small penis, sorry). I mean, you just have to be creative. Of course, as we've learned from movies though, creativity is no excuse not to be manly about it. So the boom box outside her window blasting Barry Manilow is out, ok hotshot? I should point out that Mariachi bands are super-awesome, and they should be used in this school of thought. As background music for when you slap her with your valentines penis. Ok, so, how about the subtle method: This school of thought is for lame-wads who want to "play it safe." Nonetheless, I'm sure there are still some people out there worried about the consequences of writing on their genitals. Anyway. The subtle method involves more devious planning and underhanded moves, such as talking to the girl in question, or, like, I dunno, trying to make her like you. I dunno, there's no fun in this method. No genitals left red and swollen from a day of woman-slapping -- no heart and soul if you ask me. Ok, so now, lets move onto the five key rules: 1) Odds are that if you ask 100 girls out, one half of one girl will say yes. So ask a lot. --- Click my links. Also, feel free to check out: where I'll be reproducing all of these fine bits of advice. You can also ask for some advice, by emailing your questions to Brian[at]
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