Enemy of the Academic
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Saturday, February 05, 2005  

Advice Anyone?

Posted at 6:31 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Brian Answers All!

Ok, I've tried getting all of you worthless bastards to email me with college stories before, and for the most part you ignored me. So this time, I'm going to offer my advice.

If you want advice on ANYTHING, I will provide it right here. Being that I am awesome and all, I think I can handle any of your problems and still have time to get drunk and hit on your hot sister. Seriously.

Hate college? Want to know what to do at 3am the night before your term paper is due when you don't even have an intro yet? Wondering what the proper etiquette is when it comes to relieving one's self outdoors? Perhaps you want a clarification on the rules of shotgun, or you'd like to know if it is called for to beat the shit out of that dude that boots all over the bathroom every weekend because he can't hold his liquor (yet still drinks like a pirate). Your answers are here.

So send them in to Brian[at] and I'll post them right up here with a response. If people start sending in enough emails to keep this going, I'll make it more awesome in some way. If not, then I essentially made myself look like an ass, then didn't I?

Please Notice: The non-extra-good links have been updated. Sites that don't exist, or haven't been updated, or suck too much for words have been removed, some new ones have been added. You should click them.

This advice service is open and available to anyone who can write me an email in the English language. Emails written in languages closely resembling English (aka, Ebonics, Cockney, or Bostonian) will also be considered. Emails inquiring about college-based topics will take precedence in the unlikely event that I receive too many requests for my advice.

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