Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, January 24, 2005  

Since I've Been Gone:

Posted at 4:53 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Since I've been gone there have been a few major events on the East Coast of the US:

1) The Eagles are going to the Super Bowl, and with a chance to win it and make the entire nation let loose a sigh of relief that New England wouldn't win yet another championship. Not that I'm an Eagles fan (see: yesterday, The Jets), but damned if they aren't not the Patriots, you know what I mean? Normally, such things don't get to me, but the whole concept of hearing people celebrate a sports victory in that god forsaken Boston accent sends shivers down my spine. "Tha Pahts Wahn the Supah Bowl!"

2) Villanova beat #2 Kansas. Now, I'm a fan of good old 'Nova and all, but I've seen this team play. Last time I checked, they sucked -- pretty bad too. So, I have to wonder what the hell is up with them beating Kansas (a good team) so convincingly. Putting my doubts in check though, I am a bit pissed at missing the opportunity to rush the floor and trample the dance team at the end of the game (they couldn't get any uglier from it, thats for sure).

3) Fucking Shitloads of Snow. Yeah, can't say I really missed this one, considering that (I've been told) no classes were missed due to the snow. When I was a kid and I could bundle up, run outside and pelt my fellow children with balls of ice, this sort of thing was fun... Now, however, its just cold, and if you get snow on you, it costs a buck to make you're clothes wearably dry again. Not to mention that you always end up getting snow in your ear -- that shit smarts like a sonofabitch.

I guess nothing else of importance has happened since I left the US. Its a pretty boring place anyway...

Beer is expensive... Unless it's cheap beer, then its not really beer, its the stuff that you piss out after you drink beer.

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