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Enemy of the Academic |
From Scotland with Pissed Off...Posted at 6:17 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post Yeah, I've been here in warm sunny Scotland for about a week now. Let me tell you, we've got the world's best weather right here. You see, it rains... everyday. Even when it doesn't rain, and the sun does come out, somehow, it still manages to be cold. Aw hell though, I go to school in Philly, I'm used to cold!
The cold actually, isn't even a problem. Its the gale force winds. Which are powerful enough to either a) make me fall on my ass like a spastic retard, b) force me to run, when I'd prefer not to, or c) cause me to walk in place like a fucking mime, until the wind dies down.
Oh, and it rapidly, and unexpectedly changes direction too.
I knew the weather would be astounding when I applied though. What I didn't know about was all of the loopholes and fire-rings that I'd have to jump through once I got here. I'll save most of them for another update. The biggest thing cheesing me, though, was that I (thats right, me, the greatest god-damned blogger of my generation) was forced to spend an entire week without any sort of internet access.
Was it because in their extreme generosity, the Scottish people had put me up for a week in the Palace here, so that I might be given a proper welcome through an all-expenses paid week of luxury? No. It was because this school has an AMAZING rule that states that a student cannot access the internet from their dorm room unless among other things (and here is the kicker), they send an EMAIL (which is why you need the internet) to the tech crew asking them to turn it on.
Lovely, right?
Next edition: perhaps a nice comparison between the American and Scottish/British systems of education.
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