Enemy of the Academic
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Friday, December 17, 2004  

Holiday Magic

Posted at 3:04 AM
By: Brian [link]
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In TV and movies, the holiday season is always able to work some crazy-ass miracles, like giving a little girl her dream home, or making Tim Allen a believable actor. It makes us all believe somewhere in our hearts, that we too are able to be the beneficiaries of such miracles.

Let me tell you, its not going to happen. Especially not for the College student. Remember all of that "Christmas spirit" you've been hearing about? Yeah, well apparently it doesn't apply to final grades, which professors will mercilessly mark down to ensure your inability to graduate on time!

So, I have a solution. If people (namely your professors) don't show the proper amount of Christmas spirit toward you, then knife them. That'll teach them! What better way to correct someone's lack of respect for humanity and generosity than to take their feeble and meaningless life from them?

The steps to this retribution are simple:
1) Purchase a big honkin' knife
2) Find someone without X-Mas spirit
3) Insert knife
4) Repeat

Simple, right?

This is another reminder that is going abroad in January to Edinburgh Scotland. Because I can.
If any American college students would like to help out by providing the normal US tales of collegiate stupidity to this site for at least a semester, then send a short sample of what you can do over to Brian[at]

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