Enemy of the Academic
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Monday, December 13, 2004  

And I am Done

Posted at 1:27 AM
By: Brian [link]
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I'm done. Not exactly, however, I am heading into the last day of classes for the semester. What does that mean? The first and last days are the only two days of class that you can't miss. No matter who you are, no matter what you do. You have to go in with a good impression, and come out with one. If you are there on the last day, looking conscientious, who's to say you weren't there the whole semester?

So, yeah, its the last day. I have two classes. Will I be prepared? No, as usual, I am not even making an effort to know which class it is that I am going to. I just make sure someone points me in the right direction and then steer the class discussion toward topics that I can more easily handle, like classic television (Family Matters anyone?). Oh yeah.

It turns out that Reginald Vel Johnson, also known as Carl Winslow, one of Chicago's finest, and the greatest dad on television, is a "Gay American," (thank you former Gov. McGreevey for making homosexuality require the American modifier... tool...). Who would have seen that coming? I mean, wasn't he in Die Hard? How could anyone in Die Hard be gay? All of the testosterone of working with Bruce "I blow up planes with a zippo" Willis should rub off on a man and make him straight as one of Robin Hood's arrows, right?

Ah well. Back to the grind.

This is another reminder that is going abroad in January to Edinburgh Scotland. Because I can.
If any American college students would like to help out by providing the normal US tales of collegiate stupidity to this site for at least a semester, then send a sample of what you can do over to Brian[at]

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