Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005  

Its 2am and I Like BEER

Posted at 8:51 PM
By: Brian [link]
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I really like beer. Its about 2 am, thats 9pm for your East Coast Americans out there, but to me, its about t-9 hours till class starts.

The point of this, is that I stayed up late, so that I could spend way more than I ever dreamed I could on beer. Good beer. Here's a hint: never drink good beer, its a waste of good money. Find the cheap shit, you know, the stuff that even the local alcoholic scumbag won't even touch. The stuff that smells like what your dog did to the carpet when you left him alone in the house for two weeks. That stuff is going to fuck you up real good. The price tag? Not a lot.

The moral of the story?

Well, damned if I know what the moral is. I know that I am broke, because I decided that it would be a smart idea to drink good beers, the kind that don't force you to hold back that facial expression that transmits the thought, "what the fuck is in my mouth, and how did it get there?" because you don't want your friends to think you are too lame to be able to drink a goddamned beer.

Yeah, so, before I ramble too much more...

I love beer.

Signing off: Alpha Tango Charlie Bravo Niner, Over and Out.
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