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Enemy of the Academic |
Some things Never ChangePosted at 11:15 PM By: Brian [link] Email This Post ![]() So, we've talked about the differences between America and Britain, but what are the similarities?
Well, I'm so glad you asked.
First of all Everyone is a Douche , just like in American, this country has an amazing array of Douche-bags and bastards. Want to cross the road? Can't do it, because that cab sees you and its accelerating. Want pickles on your sandwich? Sorry, thats against company policy, so I can only do that for my best friend, who happens to be in line behind you.
Secondly, People here like Beer. I mean, beer is a common thread in all of my posts, so why not mention it here, right? The most striking similarity about this is that not only do they drink a lot of beer here (in Europe, the home of good beer), but they tend to drink the cheap shitty beer. Just like at home.
Thirdly, "That guy" is here. You all know who I'm talking about, the dude who chugged 7 Guinness pints, then -- usually while rocking out to the hard rock stylings of Jefferson Starship -- booted all over everyone's jackets. He also didn't pay the dry cleaning bill.
Fourthly, Professors Take Enough Meth to believe they aren't worthless. Just like at home, folks, someone standing at the front of the classroom is bound to presume that you give a damn. I mean, really... Stop reading the old english poetry with a proper anglo-saxon church accent. Are you fucking kidding me. I can't understand it to begin with.. Save me some head (and nut) scratching time, and pronounce it in the normal ignorant way that I would. Of course, if you don't, I wholeheartedly reserve my right to go to sleep, and/or crack open a beer, because its 11am, and damnit if that ain't Miller time!
Fifthly and finally, People Wear Yankees Hats. I like this one, actually. Not that I believe for a second that anyone actually knows what that NY logo means, has ever heard of the Yankees, or even knows that baseball isn't Cricket. Nonetheless, people are wearing the Yankee hats all over town. I'm not sure where they got them, but they have them.
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Since I've Been Gone:
Update tomorrow British People are Weird: Part 1 Its 2am and I Like BEER The Differences (Part 1: Potentially) From Scotland with Pissed Off... Dipsomania The New Guy New Years Resolutions New Years
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