Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, February 01, 2005  

Quagmire Anyone?

Posted at 6:52 PM
By: Brian [link]
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To go to class or not to go to class, that is the question.

As always, the answer is pretty complex. In the states, you have classes where the professor cares if you show up, and others where there are 200 people and they just don't know how to count. In the UK, they have a similar system. Except that the classes you have to go to only meet once per week for an hour, its a small group, and as such one must use whatever means necessary to look like they are awake - I prefer to duct tape my eyes open.

Of course there are also massive lectures, these run three times a week, for an hour each time. The professors responsible for giving these lectures, not only aren't responsible for grading you, but they also don't necessarily know who is, and they don't care. The benefit of these lectures is that you pretty much don't have to do any reading if you go to them.

For those of you in the states, here's what I recommend: take as many days off from class as you can. If that means everyday, then go for it. I mean, there's always an asian kid you can copy off of during the exam, right? For the students studying over in the UK, go to the lectures for the classes that you don't want to do the reading for, its easier to have some dude tell you what you need to know over the course of an hour, than it is to actually read it and process it on your own...

This is college. You shouldn't be using your brain, you should be slowly drowning it with alcohol.


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