Enemy of the Academic
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Sunday, January 30, 2005  

The Robot Man

Posted at 8:19 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Among other things, I'm going to largely lame out of this Monday's update due to the fact that this weekend I turned 21, and while I did turn 21 in Scotland, where you only need to be 18, I celebrated American style. I rule.

I won't leave you out to dry though... Here's a picture of a nutso street performer right out of the movie Eurotrip. He's painted Silver as you can see, but I'll let you know that he was also blasting techno music and doing "the robot." A very bad robot too.

He danced the robot like a nursing home patient trying to get the heart pills out of their pocket...

Ah well. Its Europe, so I pointed and laughed at him for a while, then kicked him in the nuts. Well, the kicking part isn't true... My girlfriend dragged me away before I could get a good follow-through going on the kick.

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