Enemy of the Academic
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Wednesday, June 02, 2004  

Luxury Box

Posted at 1:32 AM
By: Brian [link]
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Luxury boxes at sporting events are pretty sweet. They have the most comfortable seats, they are indoors and shielded from the elements, they are catered. They even come with a TV, so that you don't even have to watch the game that you came to see.

Yes, the world of luxury spectating is good, and thanks to a friend with an extra free ticket (the emphasis on "free"), I was able to partake in the joys of minor league baseball today from said box. Minor League baseball? Isn't that just really boring baseball played by teams that nobody cares about? Well, yes, but in the luxury box, its really boring baseball with comfortable seats and free food. You can't beat the free food.

Mmmm... free food...

This update was brought to you by the good people at Johnson and Johnson and my friend Kevin, who provided access to the free-food box..

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