Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004  

How to Not Give a Shit, Part 3 (Summer Edition)

Posted at 6:14 PM
By: Brian [link]
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There are a ton of ways to not give a shit, and a million people and things to not give a shit about. Today I present you with a very special summer edition of the perennial favorite, "How to Not Give a Shit."

Now, in the summer a college student has three choices, getting a job, getting an internship, or being a lazy bum. Someone who really doesn't give a shit will obviously opt to be a lazy bum. However, since most of you will want to one day live somewhere other than "under the highway overpass," I am going to assume that you will choose from one of the other two options.

Don't get a job. Getting a job leads to you having money, and money can be spent on many things, including sweet, delicious alcohol, but don't give in to your addictions just yet, there is always pick-pocketing, mooching and begging left in your arsenal, so why stick yourself with a hellish boss bent on you actually performing the duties to which you are assigned.

An internship is far cozier. Rather than requiring you to slave away at the burning pits of hell at such jobs as, "ice cream scooper," or "associate fry chef," an internship asks you to quietly sit in your assigned cubicle, doing what you might normally do anyway -- downloading episodes of The Simpsons from Kazaa onto your work-assigned computer and watching them while simultaneously instant messaging your other interning buddies.

Since most internships don't pay you (although some do, and if you can get one, take it, there's nothing better than getting paid to surf the web for porn), they really don't give a shit what you are up to. You might go into work one day a week, and nobody will even notice, because you are just a nameless faceless intern. The rest of the time you can sit at home, scratching various sectors of your nether-regions.

Its like being a hobo with a resume, but not like one of those Enron hobos... they're fucked.

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