Enemy of the Academic
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Tuesday, February 10, 2004  

My Bad

Posted at 12:25 PM
By: Brian [link]
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Oops, I had an ethics quiz today. Seems like I forgot about it. Shit happens you know, and I am full of shit, so this really isn't such a horribly unusual occurrence for me. Nonetheless, I can't help but to feel bad about the fact that I have not yet even attempted to do the required readings for this class, and am utterly heartbroken over the fact that I don't intend to ever do them.

Just fucking with you, I don't give a flying one... its ethics, its not my major, and who really wants to read 300 pages a week anyway? Isn't ethics supposed to be common sense? Its not supposed to be an exact science, so why read it like it is, right?

The current ethical dilemma that I am grappling with is whether or not I should stay sober for this class. Its three hours long, and as Jeremy Bentham would say, "drink up, you pussy!"

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