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Enemy of the Academic |
Super Bowl 2004Posted at 1:25 AM By: Brian [link] Email This Post New England wins another Super Bowl. Isn't that cute? I mean, the game was good enough, but as is often the case, we tend to pay far more attention to the commercials and the half-time show that the actual game that started the whole thing.
However, this was definitely a good year to be paying close attention to the Super Bowl half-time show. You see, if you paid close attention, you would have been privy to an unbelievable moment -- thats right, a child-molestor's sister got molested by a "Mouseketeer" right there on stage. What a grand finale.
Lets be honest though, it was a pretty nice boobie too. I mean she even dressed it up with the pastie and what-not. How can you really enjoy it though? I mean, her brother is Michael Jackson, the famous "lover" of children, and although, thanks to modern medicine, he no longer looks like her, its still kind of skeevy.
Also, what was up with Timberlake saying it was an accident? Thats not high-five-worthy, thats not even worthy of a "you suck." I mean, if he wanted me to think he was anything other than flaming, he should have said what any self-respecting, red-blooded, American man would have said: "Yeah I did it on purpose, it was spectacular, and I'm damn sure she liked it. Also, I'm pretty sure they were real." Now that accomplishes two things, it establishes the fact that you are the man, and conveys very important tactile information to the many middle school boys who are trying to masturbate furiously to the 5-second replay of the boobie.
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